Sit down & belt up. Let’s get airborne!

Hey, the V Australia’s 777 is actually a reasonably roomy aircraft.  Nice and modern too.  Lots of gadgets to play with, should keep me entertained for at least five minutes.   Hmmm, just thinking about all those extra gadgets . . in the back of my mind I recall an Air Crash Investigation program on TV a couple of years ago which centered on cabin electronics failure causing a fire.  D’oh! 

Inside V Australia's 777 aircraft

Looking from our seat (about 4 or 5 rows from the back). Inside V Australia's 777 aircraft.

 How come I always get the guy with a big head or hat on in front of me?  Same thing happens at the movies.  Speaking of movies, the entertainment package on this plane held heaps of movies and documentaries, all viewable at no charge.  Yes, that is correct, FREE.

 Did I mention that the flight from Brisbane to LA is over 13 hours.  13 hours echo echo echo . . Arrrghhhh!

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