In the beginning . .

Before I start I’d just like to acknowledge the people at Expedia who gave us much needed help in a very professional manner.  Well done!

Here we go from Brisbane, Australia to New York or Bust!

Well, here we are at the Nerang railway station at 5:15 am after having nearly zero sleep last night, worrying if our taxi would pick us up on time .. would we remember to turn the water off .. or turn the hot water off .. or lock the house up etc etc.  All was good 🙂 (we hoped).  I held my trusty Samsung S750 camera out at arm’s length pointed and clicked.  At that time in the morning the flash had a terrible blinding effect.  Great, all we need to do now is step off the platform into the path of a city bound train.


Carl & Janine at the Nerang Railway Station

Carl & Janine at the Nerang Railway Station 5:15 am It's way too early!


Next stop Brisbane Airport

After battling through airport security we managed to get a good seat near the departure gate.  Something that I would later learn to be a real bonus.  Okay, so I looked out the window to take a snap shot of the plane that was to carry all the people and all their luggage, and there it was .. IT’S TOO SMALL  ARRRGGGGH!  That thing has to fly non-stop to LA, 17,000 miles, for 13+ hours!


V Australia's 777 Airbus

V Australia's 777 Airbus on tarmac Brisbane Airport BNE. It's not big enough!


Stay tuned . .

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