Missed my flight due to bad weather


Missing a flight can be a frustrating and stressful experience. However, there are steps you can take to minimize the disruption to your travel plans and potentially even secure a refund or free flight.

First and foremost, it’s important to stay calm and contact the airline as soon as possible. This can typically be done by calling the airline’s customer service number or visiting the airline’s website. Explain your situation and inquire about your options, including any potential rebooking or refund options.

If you missed your flight due to a delay or cancellation on a previous flight, you may be able to use that as an excuse. Airlines often have policies in place to accommodate passengers in these situations, such as booking them on the next available flight at no additional cost.

If you missed your flight due to personal reasons, such as oversleeping or getting stuck in traffic, you may still be able to rebook, but you will likely have to pay a fee. However, it’s worth noting that some airlines have more lenient policies than others, so it’s worth inquiring with the airline about their specific policies.

Another potential option is to see if you can be booked on a flight with a different airline. This may require paying a fee or purchasing a new ticket, but it can be a good option if the airline you were originally booked with does not have any available flights that work with your schedule.

If none of these options work for you, you may be able to get a refund for your missed flight. This will depend on the airline’s refund policy and the reason for your missed flight. If the flight was cancelled or delayed, you may be entitled to a full refund. However, if you missed the flight due to personal reasons, you may only be able to get a refund for certain portions of your ticket, such as taxes and fees.

It’s also worth noting that if you have travel insurance, you should contact the insurance provider to see if they can assist with rebooking or refund options. Some travel insurance policies may also cover missed flights due to certain reasons, such as illness or weather-related delays.

In general, it’s important to be proactive and persistent when dealing with a missed flight. Contact the airline as soon as possible and inquire about your options. Be prepared to provide any relevant information, such as flight confirmation numbers or proof of delay or cancellation. And don’t be afraid to ask for a supervisor or escalate the issue if you are not satisfied with the initial response.

Lastly, it is always advisable to be on time for the flight and also check the flight status and schedule in advance and also make sure that you have a valid passport and visa, if required.

In conclusion, missing a flight can be a frustrating and stressful experience, but there are steps you can take to minimize the disruption to your travel plans and potentially even secure a refund or free flight. Contact the airline as soon as possible, inquire about your options, provide any relevant information, and don’t be afraid to ask for a supervisor or escalate the issue if you are not satisfied with the initial response. And also it is always advisable to be on time and also check the flight status and schedule in advance.

Safe air travel

Air travel is a convenient and efficient way to travel, but it is important to take steps to ensure that your trip is as safe as possible. Here are some tips for safe air travel:

  1. Research the airline: Before booking a flight, research the airline to make sure it has a good safety record and customer service reputation. Check the airline’s safety rating on websites like AirlineRatings.com and make sure it is certified by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).
  2. Book a direct flight: Direct flights are generally safer than connecting flights, as they have fewer opportunities for delays or other issues. If possible, book a direct flight to reduce the risks associated with air travel.
  3. Choose a reputable airport: Not all airports are created equal when it comes to safety. Research the airport you will be flying from and make sure it has a good safety record and modern facilities. Avoid flying from airports with a history of safety issues or inadequate infrastructure.
  4. Arrive at the airport early: Arriving at the airport early will give you plenty of time to check in, clear security, and board your flight. It will also give you time to deal with any unexpected delays or issues that may arise.
  5. Follow the safety instructions: Once you are on the plane, make sure to follow the safety instructions provided by the flight crew. This includes fastening your seatbelt, stowing your carry-on luggage properly, and listening to the pre-flight safety briefing.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your air travel is as safe as possible. Remember, safety should be your top priority when traveling by air, so make sure to do your research and take the necessary precautions.

Don’t Drink and Fly

A PHOTO of an intoxicated gentleman duct-taped to his seat after this guy attacked a lovely lady and shouted their jet was about to disintegrate has gone world-wide, after a fellow voyager promoted it online.

The picture was placed on Tumblr by traveler Andy Ellwood, who wrote about the experience on his own account.

They were on a New destined intercontinental flight from Iceland to JFK.

Ellwood recalled:” (Passenger) drank all his duty free spirits on the voyage from Iceland to JFK yesterday.”.

“When this person got rowdy, (i.e. trying to strangle the woman next to him and screaming the plane was going to break up), fellow passengers overcame him and rope him up for the rest of the voyage. He was escorted off the aeroplane by authorities when it landed.”.

The man, who remains unidentified, was arrested when the craft landed.

The man’s outburst got going when the aeroplane had two hours left in the air, Icelandic news outlet Mbl. reports.

It is conjectured he also spat on travelers.


Unverified Picture.

IcelandAir’s Vice President of Corporate Communication, Guðjón Arngrímsson, affirmed to reporters the man was acting precariously but would not discuss the image.

A Port Authority mediator has verified that the passenger was transported to a hospital in Queens, but authorities decided not to charge him.